10 Best Foods For Muscle Building For Skinny Guys

It is good to be slim but being skinny can be troublesome. Are you worried about your weight and want to put on some pounds? This is a matter of concern because being underweight can be equally bad for your health as being obese.

Some people aren’t naturally very skinny but still healthy. Being underweight according to this scale does not necessarily mean that you have a health problem. If you want to gain weight, then it is very important that you do it right.

The most important nutrient for muscle building is protein, carbs, fat. Muscle is made of proteins, healthy fat and carbs, and without it, most of those extra calories may end up as body fat. Eat plenty of high carbs and high fat. If muscle gain is a priority for you it is best to eat plenty of protein, fat, and carbs at each meal. Here we have”10 Best Foods For Muscle Building For Skinny Guys”. Check out and get inspired!

Lean Beef

Lean Beef

This delicious red meat has almost all the components that will turn you slim body into a muscular one. In addition to supplying you with protein, beef also has a high iron content, naturally occurring creatine, zinc and even omega 3 fatty acids.

One downside is that it takes time to prepare. Still, a grass-fed roasted beef sandwich or salad after lifting will work great.



Eggs are very quick and easy to prepare, delicious and fun to eat. This versatile food is a key dietary component for anyone who is trying to build muscles. A single egg comes with five to six grams protein at a very low caloric cost, just 60 calories. Egg protein is considered the most readily utilizable protein, so it’s a great idea to eat egg white as a post workout food.



Chicken is another staple muscle building food. 100-gram lean white chicken will serve you 31 grams of protein and only 4 grams of fat. The great taste, versatility and easy availability have made this food one of the most popular and effective muscle building foods.



Proteins reign supreme as the working molecules of life. Fortunately, almonds are loaded with this vitally important macronutrient. One ounce of almonds contains 6g of protein. Clearly, almonds are useful for any hard-working trainer.



When it comes to a great all-round food to build muscle, the trophy goes to salmon. A six-ounce fillet is loaded with 35 grams protein.

It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, key nutrients like selenium, Vitamin D, B12 to build and repair muscle tissue, and to keep your hunger in check.



We know by now that avocados are a good source of healthy fats and antioxidants. But did you also know they help build strong muscle? Avocados also contain 60% more of the electrolyte potassium than a banana. That, along with magnesium, contributes to
proper cell and muscle function.

Olive Oil

While not a “food” in the same sense as the others on the list, olive oil has lots of healthy monounsaturated fats that increase the rate of protein synthesis into muscles that halt the collapse of muscle tissues; and promotes joint health. It also stimulates the production of protein for muscle growth.



Oysters are a great source of protein. Since protein supplies the raw materials that muscles are made up of, it’s vital that you do get enough. Moving along, you also will get a good dose of potassium, calcium, and zinc, which is a mineral in the body that helps to regulate
muscular contractions.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage Cheese

A great source of protein and specifically, casein protein, cottage cheese makes a fast and muscle-fueling snack.

Those from grass-fed cows also contain a good dose of conjugated linoleic acid, which helps build muscles, fight muscle soreness, and burn fat.

Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt

This is a great source of Casein protein. Yogurt is an ideal combination of protein and
carbohydrate that recovers the muscle break down due to exercise and enhances muscle growth. Yogurt contains conjugated linoleic acid, a special type of fat that helps to reduce overall body fat.

There is one last thing very important for muscle building, although this is not a food, which is water.  No matter what muscle building foods you choose, drink a good amount of water with them. Hydration is important for exercise and muscle building.