7 Foods to Avoid if You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis

There is no real diet for people with arthritis, but today, we will learn about 7 foods to avoid if you have rheumatoid arthritis osteoarthritis:

Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis



The medicine prescribed for arthritis causes our bodies to retain more sodium, which will, in turn, affect how our joints swell.

As we eat salt, our blood will absorb more water than it would normally, causing our joints to become inflamed.

Any canned, frozen or ready-made meals will have this effect on our bodies.



No matter how good it is for our bones, it still has negative effects on arthritis sufferers.

The protein can cause your tissue to become irritated, so it is best to turn to plants for your protein.



The sugar found in processed foods creates unbalanced insulin levels in our bodies, triggering our immune system to respond by causing swelling.

Be careful because processed sugars can have several different names.



Some people have noticed how their knuckles throb every time they eat eggplants, tomatoes or peppers.

This happens because nightshades eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and even things like cayenne, paprika, and tobacco contain alkaloids which can promote inflammation in certain individuals.



i.e. Any white flour products, white rice, white potato and certain types of grain are refined carbohydrates.

It stimulates inflammation in our bodies and thus exacerbates arthritis.



Gluten triggers our immune system, damaging our small intestines and causing joint pain.

Therefore, you may find relief by adopting a gluten-free diet.



Oil and, fried or processed foods contain toxins called advanced glycation end products.

It increases oxidation and inflammation in our bodies.

Avoid any foods containing high doses of omega-6 fatty acids.