How To Cure Thyroid: 10 Foods To Cure Thyroid Naturally

The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It makes thyroid hormones travel from the thyroid gland and helps other organs to work well.  They control how your body uses food for energy. Thyroid hormones affect your metabolism rate which means how fast or slow your brain heart muscles liver and other parts of your body work. Today our post title is “How To Cure Thyroid: 10 Foods To Cure Thyroid Naturally”. Check out and get inspired!

If you don’t have enough thyroid hormone you might feel tired and cold or if you have too much thyroid hormone you might feel nervous, jumpy and warm. Your thyroid gland is controlled by the pituitary gland a pea-sized gland located at the base of your brain. Your thyroid uses iodine to make thyroid hormone. Iodine comes from food mainly seafood and dairy products. The thyroid gland is located in the front of your neck having thyroid hormone levels that are too low sometimes.

Test your thyroid

Signs and symptoms of underactive thyroid you should know:



One big sign of hyperthyroidism is having nervous energy which may seem more pronounced if you’re not usually an anxious person then nervousness anxiety and irritability can be signs your thyroid gland is working overtime tremors can also be a sign.



You may also be experiencing listlessness and exhaustion from hyperthyroidism, an overproduction of hormones would make you constantly active like in the last
point but that’s not always the case one of the reasons you might be exhausted from hyperthyroidism is that you’re having difficulty sleeping can also be due to the stress on your body from having a rapid pulse.

Increased Appetite

Increased Appetite

Hyperthyroidism can actually boost the amount of food you take in but at the same time you may be suddenly losing weight dropping pounds without any change in diet is not
usually a good sign.

Irregular Heartbeat

Irregular Heartbeat

Too much thyroid hormone can set off abnormal heartbeat. This condition can cause your heart rate to top 100 beats per minute the average resting heart rate for adults is between 60 to 100.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure

Hyperthyroidism can lead to secondary hypertension which is when your blood pressure is high from another medical condition while high blood pressure can be dangerous like primary hypertension there are usually no symptoms. You may have high blood pressure from hyperthyroidism or another medical condition.

Thyroid Problems

The below mentioned are the available foods herbs and medicines which can cure your thyroid and also help in weight loss so let’s get started.



Turmeric has curcumin which is an anti-inflammatory agent. When you suffer from thyroid disorder you observe inflammation and swelling of the thyroid glands and curcumin helps relieve inflammation naturally, it stimulates thyroid hormone production and balances its level.

Essential Oil Diffuser

Essential Oil Diffuser

Essential oil diffusers calm your state of mind and help relieve stress and anxiety and make the other organs of the bodywork peacefully.

Grass-fed Ghee

Grass-fed Ghee

It is the clarified butter. Animal fat is beneficial for thyroid and ghee is rich in vitamin E  which is needed for hormonal balance, stamina and proper functioning of the thyroid.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

This oil increases the body temperature and metabolism and helps in weight loss. It has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces inflammation.

Ashwagandha Herb

Ashwagandha Herb

Ashwagandha balances the hormones and reduces stress and weight gain by controlling cortisol levels.

Zinc And Selenium Supplements

Zinc And Selenium Supplements

These both play a crucial role in shielding the thyroid against damage. The supplement will activate your metabolism and reduce thyroid antibodies. I also recommend these in my thyroid plan.

Kelp Supplements

Kelp Supplements

Kelp is 100% vegetarian and a type of seaweed which is rich in iodine it treats thyroid
disorders and also helps in weight loss.



The healthy bacteria in your gut improve the functioning of your thyroid and provides you with the maximum amount of different bacterias and thus improve your condition rapidly.

Gluten-free Oats

Gluten-free Oats

People suffering from hypothyroid are typically gluten intolerant hence opt for gluten-free oats which are rich in fiber that keeps your energy up and stabilizes your blood sugar level, reduces cholesterol and helps in weight loss.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts

Two nuts of Brazil nuts per day will give you recommended daily allowance of selenium which is a very important mineral for thyroid functioning as a protective style client from oxidative damage.