Diet Choices: How You Should Eat to Prevent Cancer

The internet is full of blue signs fake knowledge, half information or propaganda your quest of reliable authentic health information ends here. Today we are going to talk about how you should eat to prevent cancer. Yes, see research has shown that a healthy diet can actually lower the risk of certain cancers. And additionally, it can prevent other diseases like diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis right. Good nutrition is very helpful in maintaining a good healthy weight, as well as good health overall health. People who are overweight or obese, are obviously at high risk of many health problems including cancer.

The idea is to take a high-fiber, a low-fat and a good normal protein, a high-protein diet with regular exercise. That can actually help you lose weight and keep it off permanently. Can certain dietary choices reduce your risk of cancer absolutely? See there are so many studies that are going on in diet and health and V researchers are continuously exploring. Whether certain foods and nutrients can reduce the risk of cancer and see results are not very consistent. And vary by a person to person but there are many things which have helped a lot.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables can actually lower the risk of lung, oral cancers lung cancers, stomach cancers, get colon cancers. They are very good for the digestive system.



Then there is something called a meditation that can actually protect against other types of cancer. The diet basically focuses on eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and fish right that’s the idea in meditating, Diet, calcium and vitamin D can also lower your risk of colorectal cancers. Folic acid, Pollock acid can protect against cancer as well so all these things should be there in your diet.

Is there anything specific that you can do to improve your diet

Yes, see first thing is a balanced diet you need to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grain, legumes like nuts, seeds and for proteins you can take non-vegetarian things like fish, motor e, poultry, lean meat, low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Even if you’re vegetarian you can take soya proteins and you can take the milk and all the legumes. These are good right but the most important thing is fats. Certain fats should be a part of your diet and that can actually lower the risk of diseases. These are good fats right and these can actually help you know over your cholesterol levels as well. These mono saturated fats, these are monosaturated polyunsaturated and omega-3.

Three Types of Fats Are Good Fats


Monosaturated fats

Monosaturated fats are found in canola oil, olive oil, avocado, and peanuts and other nuts also. They are good, they are also found in legumes, olive seeds, nuts and other fruits like avocado,


Polyunsaturated fatty acids fats

Polyunsaturated fatty acids fats are found in vegetable oils like corn, sunflower, safflower. These are also found in soya beans and some types of grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. The idea is that oil should be mono or polyunsaturated and less quantity should be saturated.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Omega-3 fatty acid which is found in oily fishes like Salman, sardines, Mac. These are also found in vegetable choices like flaxseed, flaxseed oil, walnuts. They are good these are very good for your health so you should actually limit the number of bad fats. And include these good fats and say no to trans fats. Trans fats are bad saturated fats are okay in a limited amount right. These are the bad fats found in fast-food, fried food, snacks food, baked foods. All these processed foods are not good for you.



Then there is something called phytochemicals, yes phytochemicals what are these are substances just found in plant-based food. And there are experts that believe that this can actually reduce your cancer risk. There is also support that this can actually support your health of bone, heart, brain as well. Common types of phytochemicals are basically vitamin C or folic acid and less common are ISO flavonoids, phytosterols, and other many flavonoids.

Good source of phytochemicals broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, tomato, grapefruits, garlic, peas, beans, whole grains, nuts flaxseed. Include these in your diet, then there are questions like should I take Hubbs or dietary supplements. It’s easy to get excited about claims that the latest dietary supplement would prevent or cure cancer. However, these are marketing claims and are not likely to have any proven benefit. There is no proof that shows that multivitamins can help you reduce your cancer risk. Talk to your doctor before adding any herbs or supplements to your diet extreme changes in your diet can actually put you at risk of new health problems.

Foods That Increase Your Risk Of Cancer

There is no clear evidence about whether certain food products prevent cancer. But research has shown these can increase the risk of cancer. This is very important to see prevention might not be a sure thing but risk increase is there. What are these food which you should avoid heavily processed meat? Just like ham, bacon, sausage, salami. All these processed meat are bad they increase your risk of colorectal cancer. If you eat them too often, eat once in a while is okay but don’t eat them regularly. Foods that are high in saturated fats. They can lead to weight gain and being overweight increases your risk of too many types of cancers.

Alcohol can increase your risk of mouth throat, liver, breast, colorectal cancer. Alcohol is very bad, men should not have more than two drinks per day. Women should not have more than one drink per day. I’ve already told what are the normal limits of drink so I’ll let you know again one drink is like twelve ounces of a bottle of beer. And five ounces of a glass of wine and a 1.5 ounce or 15 ounces of 80-proof 15 ounces of 80 proof distilled the spirit, distill alcohol. You need to limit your drinks, it’s very important and if you have any doubt that you have a risk of cancer then it’s best to go and see your doctor.