Overlooked Anemia Signs & Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Iron deficiency is the most common disorders. Our blood has cells which give it its red color and are responsible for oxygenation.

These cells are transported to our lungs where they gather oxygen and distribute it to the next cell in your body. At the point when your blood has a low level of red platelets, that means you have anemia.

Anemia overview

Today we are showcasing “Overlooked Anemia Signs & Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore”. Check out and get inspired!


Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore:


Tiredness is one of the most common symptoms of anemia. Oxygen is what fuels our cells, and when your oxygen supply is low the person may feel tiredness, accompanied by symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, moodiness, difficulty concentrating, drowsiness and headaches.

Shortness of breath:

When there isn’t enough oxygen reaching your cells, your body can respond speeding up its respiratory rate in an attempt to bring more oxygen to your blood.

This symptom usually manifests itself in more serious cases of anemia.


When someone has anemia, their skin can also be affected, since there isn’t as much blood circulation which ends up making it look paler.

A very common diagnosis is to look at the inner color of the eyelids: if it’s whitish, you may have anemia.


As the other organs, your muscles can also be impaired.

These disorders end up generating painful involuntary contractions.


If you usually feel anxious, stop to pay attention to your heartbeat. If it’s accelerated, this may be a sign of anemia because of your heart increases its activity in response to the low amount of oxygen in the blood.

Irregular menstrual periods:

Women with iron deficiencies in their blood may also suffer from the fibroids and experience an alteration in their menstrual cycle.

Plus, they feel more pain and have heavier flows.

Difficulties concentrating:

Have you ever heard of the term “brain fog”?

It refers to the sensation that many people feel where it seems that there’s a mist covering their thoughts.

This symptom affects our ability to think and concentrate and may be associated with low levels of iron in your blood.


Headaches may occur from time to time, and by themselves, they are not a good diagnosis for anemia.

However, if you often experience frequent headaches and have some other symptoms that were listed, this may be a sign of anemia.